


Design: Max Miedinger

Design Support: Eduard Hoffmann

Year: 1957

Category: Sans Serif

Class: Neo-Grotesque

File Data

File Size: 2.3MB

Glyphs: 2197

Weights: 6

The Lowercase A

Closed Counters: 1

Open Counters: 1

Coordinates: 22

Straight lines: 4

Outside Anchor Coordinates

















Counter Anchor Coordinates







Outside Coordinate Change

















Counter Coordinate Change








Times New Roman


Design: Stanley Morrison

Commission: The Times Newspaper

Year: 1931

Category: Serif

Class: Transitional

File Data

File Size: 834KB

Glyphs: 3380

Weights: 4

The Lowercase a

Closed Counters: 1

Open Counters: 1

Coordinates: 26

Straight lines: 4

Outside Anchor Coordinates























Counter Anchor Coordinates






Outside Coordinate Change























Counter Coordinate Change









Design: Geoffrey Lee

Foundry: Stephenson Blake

Year: 1965

Category: Sans-serif

Class: Realist

File Data

File Size: 138KB

Glyphs: 666

Weights: 1

The Lowercase A

Closed Counters: 1

Open Counters: 1

Coordinates: 26

Straight lines: 8

Outside Anchor Coordinates





















Counter Anchor Coordinates







Outside Coordinate Change





















Counter Coordinate Change








Courier New


Design: Howard Kettler

Commission: IBM

Year: 1955

Category: Monospace

Class: Slab-serif

File Data

File Size: 685KB

Glyphs: 3151

Weights: 4

The Lowercase A

Closed Counters: 1

Open Counters: 1

Coordinates: 26

Straight lines: 6

Outside Anchor Coordinates




















Counter Anchor Coordinates







Outside Coordinate Change





















Counter Coordinate Change







Counter Coordinate Change










Design: Matthew Carter

Comission: Microsoft

Year: 1993

Category: Serif

Class: Transitional

File Data

File Size: 380KB

Glyphs: 1134

Weights: 4

The Lowercase A

Closed Counters: 1

Open Counters: 1

Coordinates: 26

Straight lines: 8

Outside Anchor Coordinates



























Counter Anchor Coordinates






Outside Coordinate Change



























Counter Coordinate Change








Comic Sans


Design: Vincent Connare

Commission: Microsoft

Year: 1994

Category: Sans-serif

Class: Script

File Data

File Size: 135KB

Glyphs: 587

Weights: 2

The Lowercase A

Closed Counters: 1

Open Counters: 0

Coordinates: 18

Straight lines: 0

Outside Anchor Coordinates













Counter Anchor Coordinates







Outside Coordinate Change













Counter Coordinate Change





